Instruction manual installed version

Downloading of the installation file
According to your operating system, click on: “Download the Mac OS X version” or “Download the Windows version” to start the downloading. You can save the files wherever you want on your computer, they will only be useful for the installation.

Installation of the digital manual
Windows version: double-click on “installer_Texto-x-classe.exe” to launch the installation process. The setup assistant window will open and guide you step-by-step.

Mac Version: double-click on “installer_Texto-x-classe.dmg”; one window will open and ask you to drop the “Texto-x-classe” folder into your applications.

Activation of the digital manual
Windows version: if you did not untick “launch Texto-x-classe.exe at the end of the installation” option in the last window of the installer, your digital manual will launch automatically. In any case, it will always be possible to launch it from the folder where you saved the manual (for instance: C:\Program Files(x86)\Texto-1-classe on Windows 8) by double-clicking on Texto-x-classe.exe.

Mac Version: launch the file in the “Texto-x-classe” folder of your Applications.

When you use the manual for the first time, an activation code is required. You need to enter the second code indicated on your Texto USB stick box (or the code given directly by the supplier) and validate it. Please be attentive to capital letters and dashes.

An internet connection is required to activate the digital manual. For the next uses, the manual will start without connection and it will not be necessary to enter the code again.

USB stick copy
You can make a copy of your digital manual on an USB stick: in the manual start-up screen, click on “Copier sur une clé USB” and select the folder where you want to copy.

Instruction manual USB version

Digital manual installation
Download your manual by clicking on “Download the version on a USB stick”. Save the .zip folder on your USB stick.

Caution: it is recommended to have 3 Gb of available space on your USB stick to use the digital manual.

Unzip the .zip folder on your USB stick (in Windows : right-click on the file, then click on “Extract” or “Extract to [program to unzip]").

Open the folder :
- Mac users : execute the archive “”
- Windows users : execute the Texto-x-classe.exe file.

Activation of the digital manual
When you use the manual for the first time, an activation code is required. You need to enter the second code indicated on your Texto USB stick box (or the code given directly by the supplier) and validate it. Please be attentive to capital letters and dashes.

An internet connection is required to activate the digital manual. For future uses, the manual will start without connection and it will not be necessary to enter the code again.


Do I need an internet connection?
Once the content of the digital manual is downloaded, it can be used without connection.
Can I benefit from updates?
The software updates run automatically when you launch your digital manual from a computer (even on a USB stick) that is connected to the internet. There is no further action to execute.
The download has failed, can I start again?
You can download as many times as you wish from this page.
My antivirus is blocking the download of the content of the digital manual, what can I do?
Hachette FLE applications are sometimes wrongly considered as threats by the antivirus because of their file format. To prevent this from happening, you may wish to:

- either desactivate your antivirus temporarily during the downloading and the digital manual ;

- or, once the file is downloaded, open your antivirus to remove the file from quarantine and launch it ;

If your computer informs you that the publisher is unknown, you can nevertheless allow the programm to run safely.
Minimum configuration:

Microsoft XP and later versions, Intel Pentium 4 processor

Mac OS X 10.6 and later versions, Intel Core™ Duo processor.

Memory: 1 Gb of RAM

For optimal user experience of videos and interactive dialog boxes, we recommend updating your browser’s flash player on a regular basis.

Optimized for : Internet Explorer 11 ; Chrome 36.0 ; Firefox 31.0 ; Safari 7.0

Monitor resolution: 1024x768 and above

2 Gb are required to install this program on your computer.